>On Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 10:15:05 AM UTC+2, Chris Pearce wrote:
>Oh d'oh! Looks like I replied to an old thread, and the plan now is in fact
>to clang-format the entire tree after 57. Sweet as!

Where did you find that?  Was this plan communicated?  It's not in this
thread... (which started with smaug replying to a 2014 post by Anthony).
Personally, this will mostly make me sad/annoyed and make figuring out
why code was landed a pain (can be a real pain for people who do a lot
of reviews), but I'll deal with it.  I'm more concerned that this wasn't
communicated (or discussed!) well, since 58 is already open...

Randell Jesup, Mozilla Corp
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