I'm responding at the top of the thread here so that I'm not singling out any 
particular response.

We didn't make clear in this process how much work Mark and his team did ahead 
of the decision to gather feedback from senior engineers on both Selena and my 
teams, and how deeply committed the directors have been in their support of 
this change.

Seeing a need for more modern patch reviewing at Mozilla, Laura Thomson's team 
did an independent analysis of the most popular tools available on the market 
today.  Working with the NSS team to pilot their selected tool, they found that 
Phabricator is a good fit for our development approach (coincidentally a good 
enough fit that the Graphics team was also piloting Phabricator in parallel).  
After getting the support of the Engineering directors, they gathered feedback 
from senior engineers and managers on the suggested approach, and tweaked dates 
and features to match up with our release cycles more appropriately.

Although there may be other risks that weren't identified in our approach, I'm 
personally satisfied that what we have in front of us is strictly better than 
where we are today.  Of course, we'll have to sand and fill a little bit to 
perfect the new Phabricator approach, and deal with our transition away from 
existing systems such as Splinter and MozReview.  However, that tweaking would 
be required no matter what tool we chose, or when we chose to make a change.

Therefore, I would appreciate that if you feel the need to further comment on 
this thread, we focus on what can be done to make this transition successful, 
rather than appearing to be standing in the way of progress.

For example, "I'm concerned about X; I wonder if we could do Y to mitigate that 
concern?" is a much more powerful approach than "X!" at this point.

Joe Hildebrand

> On Jul 11, 2017, at 2:41 PM, Mark Côté <mc...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hi all, here's a brief update on the project to deploy and integrate 
> Phabricator at Mozilla:
> * Development Phabricator instance is up at
> https://mozphab.dev.mozaws.net/, authenticated via
> bugzilla-dev.allizom.org.
> * Development, read-only UI for Lando (the new automatic-landing
> service) has been deployed.
> * Work is proceeding on matching viewing restrictions on Phabricator
> revisions (review requests) to associated confidential bugs.
> * Work is proceeding on the internals of Lando to land Phabricator
> revisions to the autoland Mercurial branch.
> * Pre-release of Phabricator, without Lando, targeted for mid-August.
> * General release of Phabricator and Lando targeted for late September or 
> early October.
> * MozReview and Splinter turned off in early December.
> I have a blog post up with many more details: 
> https://mrcote.info/blog/2017/07/11/phabricator-update/
> More to come!
> Mark
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