What's the debugging situation look like for Windows developers? I've heard
it's pretty painful. Can we step through rust code using common tools
(WinDBG/Visual Studio)?


-----Original Message-----
From: dev-platform
[mailto:dev-platform-bounces+jmathies=mozilla....@lists.mozilla.org] On
Behalf Of Nicholas Nethercote
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 5:30 AM
To: dev-platform <dev-platform@lists.mozilla.org>; firefox-dev
Subject: More Rust code


Firefox now has multiple Rust components, and it's on track to get a bunch
more. See https://wiki.mozilla.org/Oxidation for details.

I think this is an excellent trend, and I've been thinking about how to
accelerate it. Here's a provocative goal worth considering: "when writing a
new compiled-code component, or majorly rewriting an existing one, Rust
should be considered / preferred / mandated."

What are the obstacles? Here are some that I've heard.

- Lack of Rust expertise for both writing and reviewing code. We have some
pockets of expertise, but these need to be expanded greatly. I've heard
that there has been some Rust training in the Paris and Toronto offices.
Would training in other offices (esp. MV and SF, given their size) be a
good idea? What about remoties?

- ARM/Android is not yet a Tier-1 platform for Rust. See
https://forge.rust-lang.org/platform-support.html and
https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/arm-android-to-tier-1/5227 for some

- Interop with existing components can be difficult. IPDL codegen rust
bindings could be a big help.

- Compile times are high, especially for optimized builds.

Anything else?

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