2017-06-26 19:40 GMT+02:00 Ehsan Akhgari <ehsan.akhg...@gmail.com>:
> On 06/26/2017 09:52 AM, Armen Zambrano Gasparnian wrote:
>> On Friday, 23 June 2017 10:05:42 UTC-4, Ehsan Akhgari  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 4:19 AM, Chris Peterson <cpeter...@mozilla.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 6/23/17 12:17 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
>>>> But to speak of a more direct measurement of performance, let's look at
>>>> our progress on Speedometer V2
>>>> <https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/tree/master/PerformanceTests/Speedometer>.
>> Ehsan, were you comparing against http://speedometer2.benj.me?
> I used this instance for these measurements.
>> Or this http://browserbench.org/Speedometer/?
> This is still Speedometer V1, FWIW.

Both websites indicate Speedometer V1 but are currently running Speedometer V2:
- The hosted version (under benj.me) is a direct clone of the Webkit
repository PerformanceTests/Speedometer with changes for running under
AWFY. I've manually updated the title's version number.
- For browserbench.org, see
. I've opened a pull request for updating their version number as

>> Or using the AWFY code? (It uses local proxy)
>>>> Today, I measured our progress so far on this benchmark by comparing
>>>> Firefox 53, 54, 55.0b3 (latest beta as of this writing) and the latest
>>>> Nightly, all x64 builds, on the reference hardware
>>>> <https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K1IO3QW>.  This is the result (numbers are
>>>> the reported benchmark score, higher is better):
>>>> [image: Speedometer improvements]
>>>> How do these Speedometer V2 scores map to the results on AWFY? AWFY
>>>> shows
>>>> many Speedometer sub-tests, but no score in the range of 70.21. AWFY
>>>> machine #36 is the reference hardware.
>>>> https://arewefastyet.com/#machine=36&view=breakdown&suite=speedometer-misc
>>> Armen has been investigating the difference.  The Speedometer benchmark
>>> is
>>> extremely sensitive to anything else that is going on on the machine at
>>> the
>>> time you are running the tests, see for example
>>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1373396#c3 where he
>>> discovered
>>> that turning off the "Shut off display after 15 minutes" setting improves
>>> our benchmark score by about 10 points or so!  I think there are other
>>> investigations ongoing to dig into the remaining difference as well.
>> Currently, machine #36 is testing against non-PGO builds from inbound (to
>> catch regressions).
>> I'm looking into adding mozilla-central PGO builds to the mix.
>> I assume PGO builds can run slightly faster than non-PGO builds.
>> Once we have PGO builds we will be able to see if there are anymore
>> machine configration changes required (I doubt it).
>> Direct link to the speedometer score on machine #36:
>> https://arewefastyet.com/#machine=36&view=single&suite=speedometer-misc&subtest=score
>>> (Also note that there is a speed difference on Speedometer between
>>> Nightly
>>> and Beta, where Nightly with the same code will be a bit slower than Beta
>>> since some Nightly specific features do show up in Speedometer profiles
>>> currently, for example things like bug 1375568 are currently Nightly
>>> only,
>>> and there are also debugging checks like <
>>> https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/3291398f10dcbe192fb52e74974b172616c018aa/ipc/chromium/src/base/pickle.h#26>
>>> that show up a bit in profiles as well.  I think that explains why 55.0b3
>>> is scoring so high comparing to 56.0a1 there.)
>>> Cheers,
>>> --
>>> Ehsan
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