On 6/23/17 12:17 AM, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:

But to speak of a more direct measurement of performance, let's look at our progress on Speedometer V2 <https://github.com/WebKit/webkit/tree/master/PerformanceTests/Speedometer>. Today, I measured our progress so far on this benchmark by comparing Firefox 53, 54, 55.0b3 (latest beta as of this writing) and the latest Nightly, all x64 builds, on the reference hardware <https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01K1IO3QW>. This is the result (numbers are the reported benchmark score, higher is better):

Speedometer improvements

How do these Speedometer V2 scores map to the results on AWFY? AWFY shows many Speedometer sub-tests, but no score in the range of 70.21. AWFY machine #36 is the reference hardware.

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