What happens when users do that? Because they do.

A variety of kinda-horrible things will happen.

The two copied profiles will compete for the Sync client record. That means 
sent tabs will appear on one or the other, the Tabs from Other Devices list 
will flip-flop between each of the two devices, the count of devices will be 
wrong for scheduling purposes, and the two devices will unpredictably handle 
bookmark repair requests, leading to distributed inconsistency.

If the two profiles are used on different versions, the browser metadata in the 
client record will flip between the two, too.

Firefoxen that track who-did-what (e.g., on iOS we record whether a visit 
occurred locally or remotely) will both think they did the thing for all 
historical data.

>From an FxA perspective I'm less sure: for a while (perhaps a long while) I 
>expect they'll pretend to be the same device wrt FxA. Only one will show up in 
>your devices list.

We used to have the same problems with FHR, and perhaps telemetry, too.
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