One issue I have just spotted is that Task.jsm uses a JavaScript
implementation of promises under the hood while async/await obviously uses
our native implementation in the JS engine. This may mean the two have
slightly different characteristics. That shouldn't matter for new code
written but may cause problems as we attempt to automatically rewrite older
code and tests make bad assumptions.

On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 3:29 PM, Dave Townsend <>

> For a long time now we've been writing JS code that waits for promises
> using Task.jsm and generator functions. Recently though the JS team added
> support for the JS standard way of doing this, async/await:
> Reference/Statements/async_function
> Writing code in standard JS is always better for the web, makes it easier
> to onboard new engineers and allows for better support in developer tools.
> So I'd like to propose that we switch to the standard way of writing these
> functions immediately. New code should use async/await instead of Task.jsm
> going forwards.
> Florian has some rough plans to automatically rewrite existing usages of
> Task.jsm to the standard JS forms so for now don't worry much about going
> and submitting patches to fix up existing code. Once that is done we can
> remove Task.jsm from the tree.
> Does anyone object to any of this?
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