On 2017/02/14 8:37, gsquel...@mozilla.com wrote:
On Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 3:25:05 AM UTC+11, Ehsan Akhgari wrote:
On 2017-02-11 3:27 AM, ISHIKAWA,chiaki wrote:
On 2017/02/11 7:07, Botond Ballo wrote:
On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 3:45 PM, Milan Sreckovic
<msrec...@mozilla.com> wrote:
First step needs to happen completely before the second step does, so I
guess the danger is that we start and give up before we get to step
2. I
don't think that will happen, but it is something we should always think
It may be possible to automate most if not all of step 1 using an
automated refactoring based on clang's AST matchers (the same thing
our static analyses are based on). Then we could do step 1 all at
once, and even do before/after performance comparisons before
committing to it. Worth exploring, I think.
Is there any document about the AST matchers, especially about the
analyzer that does "static analyses" for mozilla code?
For example, I found the following URL:
This reference documents all of the built-in matchers:
<http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html>. The page
above is a good place to start. I also have a blog post that explains
how to create a simple static analysis check where I talk about AST
matchers among other things:
There are other good blog posts and code samples to be found by doing a
web/github search.
And clang-query is your best friend! It saved me days of debugging-by-Try for
my second matcher. :-)
More info there:
Also http://gcc.godbolt.org/ using clang with compiler option: '-Xclang
-ast-dump', to quickly work out how some code translates to ASTs.
Hi, thank you for the pointers.
I will study them to see if I can use the matcher to do something useful.
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