On Mon, Jan 16, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Dave Townsend <dtowns...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> * iframe elements don't have the same capabilities that the XUL browser
> element does and we use that in some UI.

We do have <iframe mozbrowser> available to chrome pages on desktop
now (bug 1238160[1], landed in Firefox 47), which should get you a
large part of the way here. It offers features like:

* same chrome / content separation that we have with <xul:browser>
* content loads in separate process, like <xul:browser>
* window.top, etc. work as web content expects them to
* message manager available to load frame scripts, send messages, etc.
* access to docshell, etc. from chrome scripts
* BrowserElement API[2] is available (unclear if desktop actually
wants this API)

It's not really a drop in replacement for <xul:browser> (but I would
guess we don't want it to be anyway, if we hope to reduce XBL usage):

* XBL things like browser.xml aren't used, so many properties from
<xul:browser> aren't present
* browser group frame scripts aren't currently loaded automatically

At the moment, it's only used on desktop by DevTools to implement the
Responsive Design Mode.

[1]: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1238160

- Ryan
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