You can still use dtd files in XHTML as long as it’s chrome-privileged.  A lot 
of the about pages are doing this (aboutNetError.xhtml and others:


> On Jan 17, 2017, at 3:34 AM, wrote:
> One more thing that XUL gives us is L10n.
> With HTML, we can use .properties to load localization resources and inject 
> them into HTML, but I believe this to be a very inelegant solution with a 
> surprisingly high risk of bugs.
> We do have an l10n framework called L20n that is supposed to replace DTD and 
> works in raw XUL and HTML binding elements to l10n messages with 
> `data-l10n-id` attribute.
> Our plan was to target post-quantum release to refactor the XUL code to 
> switch from DTD to L20n, but we could also just introduce the new approach 
> and use it for new code already, while waiting for post-quantum to transition 
> the old code.
> zb.
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