Gecko supports a navigation mode caret which can be activated by
pressing F7 or Preferences -> Advanced -> General -> Always use the
cursor keys to navigate within pages.

The spec does mention this, but I can’t figure out what it’s saying that
the browser should do with the navigation caret.  Should this property
not be respected for the navigation caret?  Note that right now nsCaret
doesn’t know which kind of caret it is drawing; currently both kinds of
carets are activated in the exact same way through
nsCaret::SetVisible().  How are you planning to handle this?

Furthermore, this property is animatable, but the caret blinks…  Are we
planning to support animating this property?  If yes, how would that
work with the blinking, do we just use the right color for the times we
are drawing the caret and let the animation continue when it is hidden?
Is there something we need to do (such as clarifying how this should
work in the spec) to achieve interop?

On 2016-12-20 7:17 PM, Xidorn Quan wrote:
> Summary: As the name indicates, it allows developers to change the color
> or caret.
> Bug:
> Link to standard:
> Platform coverage: All platforms
> Estimated or target release: Firefox 53
> Preference behind which this will be implemented: No pref. Intent to
> ship by default since it's a small feature which is simple and
> considered stable enough.
> DevTools bug: None. I don't think there is anything specific to this
> property need to be added to DevTools.
> Do other browser engines implement this?
> Blink: Intent to implement and ship:
> Tests - URLs / paths to tests (preferably web-platform-tests)
> CSSWG's test repo contains some semi-manual tests, which are not usable
> in our infra. I'm adding an internal reftest (not wpt or csswg test)
> which uses some of our internal features to check its rendering.
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