On Wed, Dec 21, 2016, at 11:42 PM, Manuel Rego Casasnovas wrote:
> Hi,
> just a small clarification regarding tests:
> On 21/12/16 01:17, Xidorn Quan wrote:
> > Tests - URLs / paths to tests (preferably web-platform-tests)
> > CSSWG's test repo contains some semi-manual tests, which are not usable
> > in our infra. I'm adding an internal reftest (not wpt or csswg test)
> > which uses some of our internal features to check its rendering.
> Indeed a bunch of tests are not automatic, but there are a few (6 right
> now) that are testharness tests (completely automatic), so they might be
> useful for you too.
> In Blink we're using the semi-manual tests as pixel tests and,
> of course, we also use the testharness ones.

Thanks for the clarification.

In Gecko, unfortunately, we are currently not able to run testharness
tests in CSSWG's test repo. And comparing with pixel tests, I'd prefer
using normal reftest (with adjusting our internal options) which should
be more robust.

- Xidorn
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