On Thu, Dec 22, 2016 at 10:31 PM, <mcace...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 12:51:10 AM UTC+11, Eric Rescorla wrote:
> > I'm not really following this argument. Usually when a document has been
> > floating
> > around a long time but clearly has basic design issues and can't get
> > consensus,
> > even when a major vendor has implemented it, that's a sign that it
> > *shouldn't*
> > be standardized until those issues are resolved. That's not standards
> > fatigue,
> > it's the process working as designed.
> The API addresses the use cases, but people here see those use cases as
> too basic because they don't represent average users (e.g., Boris' somewhat
> esoteric network setup). Most people have wifi at home, which is somewhat
> unmetered - and access to mobile data, which often costs more (but not
> always true).
> The API, though ".type", allows the user and app to have a conversation
> about that: "you want me to download stuff over mobile? Its might cost ya,
> but if you are ok with it...".

I don't really think this addresses my argument, which is not about any of
the technical details, but is rather about whether we should adopt
something that's clearly not very good -- which it seems clear you are
conceding here -- just because it's been floating around a long time and
people are tired.

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