Hi All -

Generally speaking releasing more information about what's behind the
firewall is an anti-goal. I have the same reaction others in this thread
have - this api is much more information than what is really needed, and
the information it provides is of questionable usefulness anyhow.

The design choice on the server often seems to want to know "is this data
metered or not" - which clearly has utility. There are many algorithms in
necko I want to apply the same criteria to. I'm still kind of queasy about
leaking this but if dan, or richard, or ekr who are all sufficiently
cynical about such things thought it was ok I would feel better about that

But the performance variance of what 3g vs 4g vs wifi vs wired actually
means in any instance is so broad and has so much overlap that its simply
not a useful performance input. And as long as you're using constant
numbers from a table, there really is little you can do with certainty
about that other than maybe segregating 2g/bt from everything else.. even
that conclusion might be bogus.

Further, end to end bandwidth prediction simply does not exist with any
specificity - if it did the work of congestion controllers would be
un-necessary. Folks in this thread have talked about bridges, vpns, etc,
and that's just part of the story. The spec side steps that by assuming the
last mile is the bottleneck link, that the last mile is otherwise unused,
and assuming weirdly that multipath is a normal thing. That's handy for the
spec, but doesn't bear much on reality while it leaks local information.
Indeed it ignores the fundamental organization of IP networks as packet
switched connections of networks of varying types. (give me a POTS line I
hear you crying - but even that is likely faked circuit switching on voip

>From an implementation pov, the browser could over time give a reasonable
metric about latency and bandwidth 'to the internet' just through passive
observation.. maybe as a 3x3 l/m/h matrix. but this would be for the client
in general and not really for the path between the client and the origin -
the latter is really what the origin wants. Without adding per-origin
overhead of a new speed test I would think the ResourceTiming already
available to it would be as good of a guide as anything else. So even
though it would be a cool engineering task to look at this whole-browser,
its of questionable utility imo.. and doing so leaks performance
observations cross-origin.

I guess the other thing I would want to consider here is the competitive
aspect of this API, but I wouldn't feel obligated to ship it for checklist

tl;dr; is the metered-data bit enough and if so, can we just implement this
by always returning 1 of 2 configs (cell vs wifi e.g.) with const bw?

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