On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 12:41:37AM -0600, J. Ryan Stinnett wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 12:23 AM, Jim Blandy <jbla...@mozilla.com>
> wrote:
> > I had a .mozconfig file that included the line:
> >
> > . "$topsrcdir/build/mozconfig.common"
> My understanding is that we're generally not supposed to include the
> in-tree mozconfigs in our local builds, since they are free to make
> various automation-only assumptions, which seems to be what happened
> here. It's tempting to do it anyway though, for some abstract feeling
> that the build will more closely resemble an official one. (I used to
> do something like this as well!)

Note that a lot of the flags set by in-tree mozconfigs are now redundant
with defaults you get without a mozconfig. While that's not entirely
true, it's a goal to have the in-tree mozconfigs to eventually *only*
contain automation-specific things (or very specific things like API
keys, update channel, etc.)

> I believe many people have fallen into this trap over the years, most
> likely because of MDN pages[1] that appeared to suggest using
> automation mozconfigs directly (there's at least a warning on the page
> now).

I filed bug 1324998 to put an end to this bad habit once and for all.

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