
Via bug 1272145 we want to move our existing Firefox-UI tests from
/testing/firefox-ui/ closer to the code which these are testing, so that
the former location only contains the test harness and appropriate unit

Link to the current set of tests:

For those of you who haven't heard about these tests yet, they are
basically Marionette tests with an additional layer (firefox-puppeteer)
on top to ease the test creation for ui specific checks. Benefits we
have are restarting and quitting the browser, and running the tests in
any localized build of Firefox.

As listed below you can find the current type of tests and a proposed

* locationbar tests:            /browser/base/content/test/urlbar/firefox_ui/
* private browsing tests:
* safe browsing tests:  
* session store tests:          
* update tests:                 /toolkit/mozapps/update/tests/firefox_ui/

Do those locations sound good? I have heard at least once that
"firefox_ui" might not be the best choice as folder name, but that's how
the harness is called, and corresponds to what we have for other
harnesses too.

Locations for the following tests are not clear yet:

* l10n tests (shortcuts):       not clear yet (maybe under
* security tests:                       not clear yet

L10n related tests mostly cover shortcuts and that the correct command
is invoked to find failures like bug 1173735.

Nearly all of the security tests are running checks against a real
server with various SSL certificates (DV, OV, EV) and protocol versions.
We will have a meeting soon to determine which of those tests are needed
and which ones can be removed. So we might also be able to find the
correct location for the tests.

For now I would like to know if the proposal is fine or if we should go
a completely different route.


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