On 20/4/16 20:14, Ben Hearsum wrote:
This would require a new update channel to support, because it would be
a unique line of code that isn't "release" or "esr".
It couldn't be implemented as a relbranch either, because we'd need CI
for it. You're basically proposing a long lived esr-like branch that we
only ship to XP users.
I suspect that backporting to this would get very difficult very
quickly. We'd be better off moving XP to ESR IMO.
I think you're right about that.
What we should keep in mind, though, is that if we decide to move XP
users to ESR now, we are in effect making the decision to end support
for them altogether in a year (when the ESR we've moved them to reaches
EOL). At that point, the next ESR will be based on a mozilla-central
that has long since abandoned XP, and there's no chance that we'll
somehow magically backport it; nor, I think, will there be any appetite
for extending the life of ESR45 beyond its normal term.
So the question we need to ask ourselves, before making a decision to
move XP users to ESR, is whether we're prepared to commit ourselves
_now_ to an EOL date roughly a year away, regardless of how XP usage
develops over the coming year.
My hunch is that XP usage will decline pretty slowly, and I'm not very
comfortable with making decisions now that imply we'll be abandoning
those users in a year.
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