On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 10:24 AM, Steve Fink <sf...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> On 04/15/2016 05:11 PM, Xidorn Quan wrote:
>> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 1:47 AM, Ryan VanderMeulen <
>> rvandermeu...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> I'm sure most of you have experienced the pain of long backlogs on Try
>>> (Windows in particular). While we'd all love to have larger pools of test
>>> machines (and our Ops people are actively working on improving that!),
>>> one
>>> often-overlooked thing people can do to help with the backlog Right Now
>>> is
>>> to cancel pending jobs on pushes they no longer need (i.e. newer push to
>>> Try, broken patch, already pushed to inbound, etc).
>>> Treeherder makes it easy to do this - just hit the little circle with an
>>> X
>>> icon on the right hand side adjacent to the "XX% - Y in progress" text
>>> along the top bar of the push. You will be prompted whether you really
>>> want
>>> to cancel all jobs on the push. Just hit OK and you're done.
>>> Killing off unnecessary jobs can have a significant impact on wait times
>>> and backlog, so your consideration is greatly appreciated!
>>> Can we probably provide an additional banner on the top of the treeherder
>> which shows all try pushes one has pushed in progress? I suppose it would
>> make people easier to find and switch between their own try pushes, and
>> also make it more convenient to cancel old pushes they no longer need
>> without adding much annoyance.
> Doesn't everyone keep a tab open to their try page? eg I have
> https://treeherder.mozilla.org/#/jobs?repo=try&author=sf...@mozilla.com
> open all the time. I used to use the try emails to find my previous pushes,
> which was a PITA. But that page is really very nice, and provides an easy
> way to cancel pushes too.

No, I don't. I open separate pages for each try push, and put them under in
the subtree of the tab of their corresponding bug.

A page showing all data of all my try pushes could be too long to be
useful. I think a brief information of in-progress pushes which serves as a
light warning would be the best.

- Xidorn
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