On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 10:08:12AM +1100, Mike Lawther wrote:
> Hi Mozilla developers!
> tl,dr; can Firefox send an Accept-Encoding heading for APNG?
> I'm an engineer at Google working on Chrome. We're considering support for
> To support APNG, we think it's important for web developers (including for
> example CDN operators) to be able to decide server-side what content to
> ship. We want to send an Accept-Encoding header. This would be for whatever
> MIME type APNG ends up with, but that's another topic. The latest I've seen
> on this is "vnd.mozilla.apng" (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/
> show_bug.cgi?id=1160200).
> If Chrome does decide to support APNG, it would be ideal for both our
> browsers to be compatible in this respect as well.
> Is this something we can coordinate on?

I don't have anything to bring to the table on this particular topic,
but I want to point out that Safari supports APNG too, so you'll want to
coordinate with Apple too.

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