This is really useful, thanks Nathan/all.

I have mostly finished my presentation now, and will send it around once 
finished to see if anything things anything in it is too wrong/inaccurate to be 
broadcast in public. The first group I’m giving it too is a small group of 
university students.

Chris Mills
 Senior tech writer || Mozilla || MDN || @chrisdavidmills

> On 9 Feb 2016, at 19:16, Nathan Froyd <> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Nicholas Alexander <> 
> wrote:
> I also wanted to try to find some diagrams to show how Firefox and Gecko 
> work/their architecture, from a high level perspective (not too insane a 
> level of detail, but reasonable).
> Nathan Froyd worked up a very high-level slide deck for his onboarding 
> sessions; they're amazing.  I'm not sure how public those slides are, so I've 
> CCed him and he may choose to link to those.  I would really love to see 
> these worked up into a document rather than a presentation.
> The presentation is public:
> I've tried to include links into wikis and whatnot where possible.  We have:
> which includes jumping-off points for exploration of major subsystems, as 
> well.
> If folks have suggestions of diagrams, links, etc. that should go in, I'd 
> love to hear about them.
> Thanks,
> -Nathan

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