+Kyle, +Nathan

On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 9:00 AM, Chris Mills <cmi...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’m writing a presentation about browsers, standards implementation, and
> cross-browser coding to give at some universities. As a part of it, I
> wanted to present some stats about Firefox/Gecko to show how many people on
> average commit to it (say, every month, every year?), how many people work
> on localising the content strings, how many people work on platform/UI
> features, etc.

Kyle Lahnakoski has done some work in this area -- he set up a neat
contributor dashboard.  Perhaps Kyle has more data about paid activity
too.  I'm CCing him to see if he can say more.  I imagine Mike Hoye has
much to say here.

> I also wanted to try to find some diagrams to show how Firefox and Gecko
> work/their architecture, from a high level perspective (not too insane a
> level of detail, but reasonable).

Nathan Froyd worked up a very high-level slide deck for his onboarding
sessions; they're amazing.  I'm not sure how public those slides are, so
I've CCed him and he may choose to link to those.  I would really love to
see these worked up into a document rather than a presentation.

Thanks for doing this work!
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