On 22/12/2015 17:40, James Graham wrote:
On 22/12/15 17:22, Andrew Halberstadt wrote:
FWIW a summary of top orangefactor[1] oranges are posted regularly
to dev.tree-alerts. Configuring it to also post to
dev.platform is certainly possible if that's what people want. Though I
have a feeling that people will mostly ignore these emails anyway if
we do.
I think previous discussions on this topic have revealed that people
mostly ignore those emails if they're not personally actionable.
I have looked at OF in the past, when I saw that e.g. mochitest-bc was
orange "a lot of the time", but I found it very difficult to get a
reasonable list of things that *I* can actually fix - the data is
"clogged up" with issues from other test suites, other teams,
infrastructure-related timeouts etc., ... it takes too much effort to
get it down a prioritized "here are the top 5 bugs that you could
potentially fix given time+effort" the way that bkelly did in his other
post, and then it's hard to know how big that part of the problem is -
you get absolute numbers ("50 oranges last week") but no idea of whether
that's 90% or .9% of the oranges (for that suite) that week.
Having bkelly (or any other specific person) do this kind of overview
repeatedly also doesn't scale. It seems like we should be able to
automate this already based on e.g. bugzilla components of the bug on
file for the intermittent. I'm worried that waiting on treeherder
improvements here will mean a long wait. What's the schedule there? How
hard would it be to add a better filtering system to brass stacks / OF
in the first part of '16Q1 ?
~ Gijs
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