
I have been puzzled at a pair of strange warning messages over the last few years, but can't hold the curiosity any longer.

So here is my question.

During the invocation of TB |make mozmill| test suite by running locally produced DEBUG version of C-C test, I have seen the following error messages in the log.
Below, 35 is the number of times the error was seen in the latest run.
The next [4482] is a sample of the process ID and should be ignored.

35 [4482] WARNING: Failed to open external DTD: publicId "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" systemId "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"; base "file:///NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mail/themes/linux/mail/tabs/selected-start.svg" URL "resource://gre/res/dtd/svg11.dtd": file /NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/parser/htmlparser/nsExpatDriver.cpp, line 705

35 [4482] WARNING: Failed to open external DTD: publicId "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" systemId "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"; base "file:///NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mail/themes/linux/mail/tabs/selected-end.svg" URL "resource://gre/res/dtd/svg11.dtd": file /NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/parser/htmlparser/nsExpatDriver.cpp, line 705

It seems that the TB binary seems to try to access external DTD and failed(?).

From what I read in the past, W3C's position seems to be that
the web resource of W3C should not be accessed during the runtime for obvious performance reasons, and the application is encouraged to have
a local copy anyway.
But if my reading of the code was correct, it was as if TB by way of mozilla library was doing just that (?) Or is it simply TB's packaging forgets to place svg11.dtd in the expected place?

Any sensible explanation why this is happening (or not) and why we have
this pair of warning messages printed during the execution of the DEBUG version of C-C TB is appreciated.

These messages were visible in January 2013 and possibly earlier.
I have deleted the log due to space reasons :-(

Actually, I see another failure of opening external DTD, but it occurs just once, so it is not THAT disturbing.
I can wait for the explanation for *THAT*: xhtml11.dtd.
(Maybe the explanation for the pair of messages would solve the puzzle for this one, too.)

1 [5300] WARNING: Failed to open external DTD: publicId "" systemId "resource:///res/dtd/xhtml11.dtd" base "moz-nullprincipal:{e2a85fc4-28dc-412e-befa-2feaea7c9705}" URL "resource://gre/res/dtd/xhtml11.dtd": file /NREF-COMM-CENTRAL/comm-central/mozilla/parser/htmlparser/nsExpatDriver.cpp, line 705

The last message started to appear in my local log in March 2013 for the first time. Maybe it might have something to do with moz-nullprincipal thingy (for security hardening).


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