On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 01:12:30PM -0600, Joshua Cranmer ? wrote:
> On 11/6/2015 12:38 PM, Doug Turner wrote:
> >I would have rather done this in a private email, but some replied and said 
> >I wasn’t clear.
> >
> >
> >-> Do not merge comm-central into mozilla-central <-
> >
> >
> >1) I think merging comm-central is a bad idea as it will basically tax all 
> >gecko + firefox developers forever.
> >
> >2) It isn’t clear that Thunderbird is a supported product anymore.  MoCo 
> >certainly isn’t responsible for it.  I don’t think MoFo does anything for it.
> I know that Thunderbird has been in talks with the Mozilla Foundation about
> being officially supported by them, and I believe the only thing left is to
> sign the ink on some papers for that. There are others who were involved in
> those talks who could give more specific details.
> >3) We’re spending $ and time in Release on this project.  I would rather not 
> >have to do that given (2).
> >
> >4) This sets a bad precedent.  I don’t think we want every application built 
> >on top of gecko to be in mozilla-central.
> I've explained why this isn't really a precedent several times.
> >
> >
> >We don’t have all of the time and resources in the world.  We have to be 
> >very deliberate about what we work on.  And Thunderbird — as it is now — 
> >isn’t something MoCo is focusing on.  Because of this, I really doubt anyone 
> >in moco Release is going to futz with it.
> Except the release engineers in moco are already spending a good deal of
> time on managing the Thunderbird release engineering--exactly as Mozilla
> promised they would back in 2012.

And other moco engineers are wasting time because of the status quo (and
I won't detail here because that's been covered in the thread already).

Whether it happens in mozilla-central or somewhere else, this merge
*will* have to happen at some point.

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