On Friday, October 9, 2015 at 10:51:54 AM UTC-7, Mounir Lamouri wrote:
> As far as speed feeling goes, they would win to show something as soon
> as possible and handle any post-first paint loading themselves.

That is unfortunately not consistent with my experience. People tend to 
perceive visible progressive as much slower than delayed first-paint in most 

On top of that, it is perceived as a really_bad_ux.

That means that while Gecko is trying to do what you said - paint as soon as 
possible and handle everything later, Firefox OS apps are trying to to exactly 
the opposite - squeeze as much startup JS logic as possible before firstPaint.

Because they cannot control it, it is a condition race between two heuristics 
which includes lots of dirty tricks, unfair punches and other nasty, nasty 

What we are trying to get is control over firstPaint for apps that want to 
control when first paint is executed. That would remove the condition race and 
actually free Gecko from the burden of trying to analyze when to start painting.

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