On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 1:22 PM, Zibi Braniecki
<zbigniew.branie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My concern here is that if we don't, we're basically saying that the right 
> way to write webapps, is to put their content in a template and then inject 
> the template into body when we're done with startup JS.

There are other approaches too, I expect apps that use an mvc layer
with templating (not the template tag), could decide not to use the
<template> tag approach, just leave the body empty until JS injects
the content.

> That feels like a dirty hack, not sure how accessible it is, and it will 
> literally do nothing in a scenario of any JS error.

With web components, but even with other MVC systems (react or ember
components), or with service workers, we are saying we need app JS to
generate views. When the app gets to handle the views it also needs to
build its own error fallbacks. I think it is just good app practice to
know how to handle errors.

I would not be sure what platform API makes sense to recommend either,
particularly given the performance captures, where it is unclear what
benefit those APIs would provide.

You could say the platform has already provided the API: a template
tag and a way to hopefully avoid extra rendering work (or at least the
annoying initial flash of white) with a transparent background color.

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