On Monday, 4 March 2013 14:41:14 UTC+5:30, m.sa...@gmail.com  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install a PKCS#11 module into Firefox browser via an MSI setup 
> application.
> After doing some search through the internet, I bumped into the 'modutil' 
> tool which has a wide variety of responsibilities especially in my case for 
> installing/uninstalling the PKCs#11 module to NSS security databases.
> I downloaded the latest source code and built it using MozillaBuild. 
> Unfortunately, it shows me an error even when I try to create security 
> databases (3 with .db extension). The error says "Function failed: The 
> certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format"!.
> Does anybody know how I can overcome this issue, and is there any unseen 
> aspect to work with this utility. Also, is there a solution to 
> install/uninstall pkcs#11 module for all user profiles with one common 
> process.
> Finally, is there a better solution to do the task of installation using my 
> setup. I use WiX Toolset to create MSI setup.
> Thank you

did u get reply or solution for the above  error. iam actually working on it 
but same error is produced. can u help in in this regard.
thank you.
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