On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:48 AM, smaug <opet...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Another example where aFoo tends to be rather useful is lifetime
> management.
> If I see aFoo being used somewhere in a method after some unsafe method
> call
> (layout flush, any script callback handling, event dispatch, observer
> service notification etc.),
> I know that I need to check that the _caller_ follows COM-rules and keeps
> aFoo object alive during the method call.
> With non-aFoo variables I know the lifetime is controlled within the
> method.

Arguments have the same lifetimes as locals, and the only exceptions to
this apply to both args and locals. (references and pointers)
There are the same problems with locals as there are with args, as args are
just locals passed into the function.

FWIW, I hacked a python script that does s/aF[Oo]o/foo/, and MSVC does has
a code analysis mode that supports an error-on-warn for shadowed variable

I can take a look at how bad the shadowing is in the tree.
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