On 7/7/15 6:17 PM, David Anderson wrote:
+1 for removing this. Gecko's use is inconsistent, and outside of
Gecko code that does use it, I've never seen it used in any other
codebase. I've never gone to another project and thought, "I miss
decorating everything in a way that changes capitalization and
impairs canonical naming".

I don't care strongly about the naming, but this is an important point. Jeff's original post was explicit about it too, yet it keeps being overlooked.

Whenever style changes are proposed, there's a lot of of knee-jerk resistance ("omgchange!"). It's natural. But the relative anchor point here is that the rest of the world manages to do just fine without it. And so any stylistic benefits of "aFoo" feel, well, overstated.

[This is a problem endemic to Mozilla, beyond simple code style. We get stuck in ruts and local maxima, and become inflexible to doing things differently from how they've always been done.]

Personally, for these kinds of issues, I find it useful to think about if we would _add_ the thing if it didn't already exist. And if we wouldn't, we should strongly bias towards change unless the costs are _clearly_ not worth it.

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