As part of the effort to improve logging in gecko we'd like to introduce a new 
set of unified log levels.

Currently we use NSPR logging which defines the following log levels:

typedef enum PRLogModuleLevel {
    PR_LOG_NONE = 0,                /* nothing */
    PR_LOG_ALWAYS = 1,              /* always printed */ <---- lies, damned lies
    PR_LOG_ERROR = 2,               /* error messages */
    PR_LOG_WARNING = 3,             /* warning messages */
    PR_LOG_DEBUG = 4,               /* debug messages */

    PR_LOG_NOTICE = PR_LOG_DEBUG,   /* notice messages */
    PR_LOG_WARN = PR_LOG_WARNING,   /* warning messages */
    PR_LOG_MIN = PR_LOG_DEBUG,      /* minimal debugging messages */
    PR_LOG_MAX = PR_LOG_DEBUG       /* maximal debugging messages */
} PRLogModuleLevel;

After a rather thorough examination of usages of each I have come up with a set 
that I believe would fit our needs:

enum class LogLevel {
  Disabled = 0, // Logging is disabled for this module

This subset maps rather nicely to syslog and web console logging levels:

| Level   | PR_LOG         | Console           | Syslog  |
| Error   | PR_LOG_ERROR   | console.error()   | error   |
| Warning | PR_LOG_WARNING | console.warn()    | warning |
| Info    | n/a            |    | info    |
| Debug   | PR_LOG_DEBUG   | console.debug()*  | debug   |

This removes all of the various PR_LOG aliases as well as |PR_LOG_ALWAYS|. It 
adds a generic |Info| level.


This really didn't mean what most uses thought it meant. Specifying 
|PR_LOG_ALWAYS| did not in fact mean your message was always logged, it just 
mean it was logged if at least log level 1 was specified. By default every 
logger has output disabled.

For most instances it can be replaced with |Info|, a more generic log category 
that is slightly more important than |Debug|, but not an error or warning.

*PR_LOG_DEBUG + 1 aka log level 5*

Various bits of code invented a log level that was less important than debug (I 
would call this verbose). This was not specified in NSPR logging, but just kind 
of worked. With the addition of |Info| we can transition code that was using 
this pseudo log level to:
  - map PR_LOG_DEBUG     => Info
  - map PR_LOG_DEBUG + 1 => Debug

In this case we could have added a |Verbose| log level, but with the addition 
of |Info| and feeling that fewer is better we have decided against that.

*How will log levels be controlled?*

Similar to how it works now (if not terribly clear), turning on:
  - LogLevel::Error   => Error messages will be printed
  - LogLevel::Warning => Error and Warning messages will be printed
  - LogLevel::Info    => Error, Warning, and Info messages will be printed
  - LogLevel::Debug   => Error, Warning, Info, and Debug messages will be 

As a future improvement we plan to add the ability to toggle this levels at 

Please let me know of any concerns or input you may have.

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