On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 3:34 PM, Valentin Gosu <valentin.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As some of you may know, Rust is approaching its 1.0 release in a couple of
> weeks. One of the major goals for Rust is using a rust library in Gecko.
> The specific one I'm working at the moment is adding rust-url as a safer
> alternative to nsStandardURL.

Will this affect our ability to make nsStandardURL thread-safe?

Right now there are various things, mainly related to addons, that are
forcing us to only use nsIURI on the main thread. However this is a
major pain as we move more code off the main thread and as we do more
IPC stuff.

We've made some, small, steps towards providing better addon APIs
which would enable us to make nsIURI parsing and handling possible to
do from any thread.

Would this affect this work moving forward? Or would a Rust
implemented URL-parser/nsIURI be possible to use from other threads
once the other blockers for that are removed?

/ Jonas
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