On 04/30/2015 04:08 PM, Chris Hofmann wrote:
check to see if we still have any automated crawlers still running that
could go looking for problems.

give the the folks that run the crawlers an instrumented build, and strong
liquor for best results.


I run a system called Bughunter that scans a subset of the urls submitted to the crash reports system in the attempt to reproduce the crashes our users see. It runs on Windows 7, OSX 10.{6,8,9} and RHEL6.

If this were to land in Nightly and if it were to produce a fatal assertion such as "Assertion failure:..." or "ABORT:..." or even a non-fatal ASSERTION, it would automatically be recorded in our webapp [*].

I've also used these vms for other scanning purposes. For example, I scanned the top 1 million sites from Alexa over a period in December 2014 - January 2015 and produced data and files for all Flash files discovered for use by the Shumway folks.

So, this is something we could support with Bughunter or a subset of the Bughunter vms. Hopefully this will not produce a large number of Assertions, since I wouldn't want it to detract from our finding security sensitive crashes.

I might need some help in producing these Frankenbuilds on all three platforms.


[*] The urls tested come from our users via the Crash Reports system and are privacy sensitive. The urls also frequently contain extreme NSFW content and have in the past contained illegal content which may be harmful to the viewer.

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