Here's two relevant Bugzilla bugs:

Self-signed certificates are treated as errors:

Switch generic icon to negative feedback for non-https sites:

Here's a proposed way of phasing this plan in over time:

1. Mid-2015: Start treating self signed certificates as unencrypted connections 
(i.e. stop showing a warning, but the UI would just show the globe icon, not 
the lock icon). This would allow website owners to choose to block passive 
surveillance without causing any cost to them or any problems for their users.

2. Late-2015: Switch the globe icon for http sites to a gray unlocked lock. The 
self signed certs would still be the globe icon. The would incentivize website 
owners to at least start blocking passive surveillance if they want to keep the 
same user experience as previous. Also, this new icon wouldn't be loud or 
intrusive to the user.

3. Late-2016: Change the unlocked icon for http sites to a yellow icon. 
Hopefully, by the end of 2016, Let's Encrypt has taken off and has a lot of 
frameworks like wordpress including tutorials on how to use it. This increased 
uptake of free authenticated https, plus the ability to still use self-signed 
certs for unauthenticated https (remember, this still blocks passive 
adversaries), would allow website owners enough alternative options to start 
switching to https. The yellow icon would push most over the edge.

4. Late-2017: Switch the unlocked icon for http to red. After a year of yellow, 
most websites should already have switched to https (authenticated or 
self-signed), so now it's time to drive the nail in the coffin and kill http on 
any production site with a red icon.

5. Late-2018: Show a warning for http sites. This experience would be similar 
to the self-signed cert experience now, where users have to manually choose to 
continue. Developers building websites would still be able to choose to 
continue to load their dev sites, but no production website would in their 
right mind choose to use http only.
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