(Added dev.platform back.)

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 7:04 PM, Shane Caraveo <scara...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> I tend to agree with Gerv, there should be an overly simplistic top level "I
> trust [social network name] to do something wrong but let them do it anyway"
> setting with a way to dig into more detailed settings if I care to.
> To bad websites don't have a manifest where they define the permissions they
> need...

If the UI team thinks this is required we could definitely experiment.
There's no reason we could not add something like <meta
name=permissions value="geolocation, notifications">. The problem with
such a declarative solution is that there's no context for the user
why the site wants such permissions. I believe there's some data that
shows that users are much more likely to grant a permission if it's
clear from context (e.g. by instructions from the web page) why it's

And also, the current system is not going away so either way we'll
need to improve it. Chrome has done some experiments with combining
permissions based on requests coming in roughly at the same time:
http://youtu.be/3dAwZVsS8wo?t=7m10s (that whole presentation is pretty
great viewing if you're interested in permission management).

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