On Tue, Feb 03, 2015 at 02:27:52PM +0900, ISHIKAWA,chiaki wrote:
> I did a non-unified build and saw the expected failure.
> This is a summary of what I saw.
> Background:
> I may need to modify and debug basic I/O routines on local PC, and so
> want to avoid unnecessary compilation. I use ccache locally to make
> sure I can avoid re-compilation of touched but not modified C++ source
> files (files get touched and remain unmodified when I execute
> "hg qpop" and "hg qpush" in successions to work on different patches.
> Without ccache, I have to compile many files. ccache helps a lot.)
> There is a different perspective on unified compilation.
> Compiler farm users:
>    One time fast compilation is very important.
>    So unified compilation is a win.
>    (I suspect precompiled headers, -pch, would be a good win, too.)
> Developers who repeats "edit a small set of files, compile and link"
> many times on local PC:
>    He/she may modify only a few files and want quick
>    turn around of the compile of a few files and link time.
>    Unified compilation actually compiles more lines than he/she wants
>    (because of the extra source lines included in unified source files
>    in which his/her modified files are also included.
>    (Correct? Am I missing something here?)
>    So he/she may not like unified compilation in such scenario.

Here's my take on this: yes, we should optimize for build times when
code is modified.

But here's the thing: in most directories, unified compilation shouldn't
be making a huge difference. That is, compiling one unified source vs.
compiling one source shouldn't make a big difference. If it does (and it
does in some directories like js/src), then the number of unified
sources in the directory where it's a problem should be adjusted.

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