On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Nicholas Nethercote
<n.netherc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was wondering what people think is the worst piece of code in the
> entire Mozilla codebase. I'll leave the exact meanings of "worst" and
> "piece of code" unspecified...

Thanks for the replies so far! I deliberately left this question vague
to see what kind of responses people would give. But mostly I'm
interested in code whose awfulness impacts users in a serious way.
Ones where refactoring/rewriting efforts would be valuable. That
excludes code that no longer exists :)

With this in mind, a function that is hideous but non-buggy and
doesn't cause maintenance problems (e.g. because the hideousness
doesn't leak too far) wouldn't qualify as bad. In comparison, a
sub-system with frequent subtle correctness issues would be very bad.

So I'd be interested in suggestions along these lines. Feel free to
email me privately if you prefer.

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