A tad off-topic, ^_^

Le 1 oct. 2014 à 08:13, Gregory Szorc <> a écrit :
> a centralized "project directory" that contains high-level details about 
> every Mozilla-related project and tool.

It's a cool idea which is easy to start but where the main issue lies not in 
starting it but in maintaining the relevance and obsolescence on a long term. 
Cue here any encyclopedic effort. Basically it takes one dedicated person with 
a work of passion, or an organizational commitment with the task being passed 
on from years to years.

> It's kind of ridiculous how difficult it is to find information about some 
> things.

I don't think it's ridiculous. It's perfectly normal. The bigger a community, a 
project, the harder it is to track everything, and the stronger the mistake is 
to want to track everything. We end up in a desire to track everything in the 
world (world here as what is the cave of a specific community).

Basically embrace the unknown. Accept it. And create meaningful links in 
between projects when these links matter for people to follow a hypertext paper 

    A monk asked Chao-chou, "I have just entered the monastery: please give me 
some guidance." 
    Chao-chou said, "Have you eaten your rice gruel?" 
    The monk said,"Yes, I've eaten." 
    Chao-chou said, "Then go wash your bowl."

Karl Dubost, Mozilla

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