I think much of the pushback in this thread is due to a misunderstanding of some combination of:
* our current buildbot scheduling
* the proposal
* how trees are sheriffed and merged

To clarify:

1) We already have coalescing [*] of jobs on all trees apart from try.

2) This coalescing means that all jobs are still run at some point, but just may not run on every push.

3) When failures are detected, coalescing means that regression ranges are larger and so sometimes result in longer tree integration repo closures, whilst the sheriffs force trigger jobs on the revisions that did not originally run them.

4) When merging into mozilla-central, sheriffs ensure that all jobs are green - including those that got coalesced and those that are only scheduled periodically (eg non-unified & PGO builds are only run every 3 hours). (This is a fairly manual process currently, but better tooling should be possible with treeherder).

5) This proposal does not mean debug-only issues are somehow not worth acting on or that they'll end up shipped/on mozilla-central, thanks to #4.

6) This proposal is purely trying to make existing coalescing (#1/#2) more intelligent, to ensure that we expend the finite amount of machine time we have at present on the most appropriate jobs at each point, in order to reduce the impact of #3.

Fwiw I'm on the fence as to whether the algorithm suggested in this proposal is the most effective way to aid with #3 - however it's worth trying to find out.

Best wishes,


[*] Collapsing of pending jobs of the same type, when the queue size is greater than 1.
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