> Are there any plans to integrate into other tools, specifically imagemagick?
> Or would you leave that up to others?

For now we're going to stay focused on improving compression in mozjpeg's 
library. I think a larger improved toolchain for optimizing JPEGs would be 
great, but it's probably outside the scope of the mozjpeg project.

> While you state that you now accept also jpeg for re-compression, this 
> usually involves loss of quality in the process.

Options for improving re-compression are very limited if you're not willing to 
accept any quality loss. That said, our 'jpgcrush' feature does reduce size 
significantly for progressive JPEGs without harming quality.

> Does mozjpeg have a preferred input format (for best quality/performance)?

Not really. It's probably best to input JPEG if your source image is JPEG, 
otherwise I'd probably recommend converting to BMP for use with cjpeg.
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