On Monday, June 2, 2014 12:11:29 AM UTC+2, Benoit Jacob wrote:
> My ROI for arguing on standards mailing on matrix math topics lists has
> been very low, presumably because these are specialist topics outside of
> the area of expertise of these groups.
> Here are a couple more objections by the way:
> [...]
> Benoit

Benoit, would you mind producing a strawman for ES7, or advising someone who 
can? Brendan Eich is doing some type stuff which is probably relevant to this 
(also for SIMD etc.). I firmly believe proper Matrix handling & APIs for JS are 
wanted by quite a few people. DOMMatrix-using APIs may then be altered to 
accept JS matrices (or provide a way to translate from JSMatrix to DOMMatrix 
and back again). This may help in the long term while the platform can have the 
proposed APIs. Thanks!
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