On Jun 2, 2014, at 12:11 AM, Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Objection #6:
> The determinant() method, being in this API the only easy way to get
> something that looks roughly like a measure of invertibility, will probably
> be (mis-)used as a measure of invertibility. So I'm quite confident that it
> has a strong mis-use case. Does it have a strong good use case? Does it
> outweigh that? Note that if the intent is precisely to offer some kind of
> measure of invertibility, then that is yet another thing that would be best
> done with a singular values decomposition (along with solving, and with
> computing a polar decomposition, useful for interpolating matrices), by
> returning the ratio between the lowest and the highest singular value.

Looking at use cases, then determinant() is indeed often used for:

* Checking if a matrix is invertible.
* Part of actually inverting the matrix.
* Part of some decomposing algorithms as the one in CSS Transforms.

I should note that the determinant is the most common way to check for 
invertibility of a matrix and part of actually inverting the matrix. Even Cairo 
Graphics, Skia and Gecko’s representation of matrix3x3 do use the determinant 
for these operations.

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