2014-06-02 23:45 GMT-04:00 Rik Cabanier <caban...@gmail.com>:

> To recap I think the following points have been resolved:
> - remove determinant (unless someone comes up with a strong use case)
> - change is2D() so it's a flag instead of calculated on the fly
> - change isIdentity() so it's a flag.
> - update constructors so they set/copy the flags appropriately
> Still up for discussion:
> - rename isIdentity
> - come up with better way for the in-place transformations as opposed to
> "by"
> - is premultiply needed?

This list misses some of the points that I care more about:
 - Should DOMMatrix really try to be both 3D projective transformations and
2D affine transformations or should that be split into separate classes?
 - Should we really take SVG's matrix and other existing bad matrix APIs
and bless them and engrave them in the marble of The New HTML5 That Is Good
By Definition?

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