On 04/25/2014 02:10 AM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> "Different" means "old", right? Having an old version is a correctness
> problem, if the CLDR has changed since.
Depends what's considered "correctness".  The ECMA Internationalization API 
doesn't specify behavior, so older just means not-as-good, not incorrect.  
(Technically you could expose the Intl API without *any* locale data.  It'd 
defeat the purpose of Intl, but it would not be incorrect.)  I don't know to 
what extent older data is a correctness issue for anything else using ICU.  I'd 
be kind of astonished if slightly-old data ever constituted a black-letter 
correctness issue.  Specs don't/can't move fast enough for the difference 
between ICU/CLDR 51/52 to matter, correctness-wise.

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