On 3/28/14, 10:31 AM, ISHIKAWA,chiaki wrote:
Recently after a refesh of code from comm-central,
I noticed that running |make mozmill|
TB test suite using full DEBUG BUILD of TB produced the
following warning lines:
- mutating the [[Prototype]] of an object will cause your code to run
very slowly; instead create the object with the correct initial
[[Prototype]] value using Object.create
I'm concerned about this as well.
In bug 939072, we're looking at doing some dynamic prototype mutation so
Sqlite.jsm can do things like auto-close databases that have been
inactive for a while (freeing resources in the process). The prototype
mutation allows us to do this transparently without consumers of the API
having to care about the state of the connection.
I'd appreciate if someone could chime in on bug 939072 with a
recommended solution that won't bog down performance.
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