Hey Chris, I can do a review. Though fair warning, I wrote most of it
:). It looks like it's still accurate, though I would probably delete
everything other than how to run them using mach. I don't think there is
any reason to support the old manual way of doing it anymore.
Let me know what you need me to do.
On 14/02/14 04:32 AM, Chris Mills wrote:
Hi all,
I’m currently going through all of the automation/testing articles on the
Firefox OS zone on MDN[1], and I’m hunting for someone who knows a lot about
Reftests, to give the FxOS reftests article[2] a review and let me know if it
makes sense.
Let me know if you are willing to do this, and I will be eternally grateful ;-)
Chris Mills
Senior tech writer || Mozilla
developer.mozilla.org || MDN
cmi...@mozilla.com || @chrisdavidmills
[1] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox_OS/Platform/Automated_testing
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