Whose workflow requires calling mach not in an objdir or srcdir? That
seems crazy and no one should do it!

Similarly, it seems like all of the ambiguous cases you mention should
be aborts, because I don't know of any reasonable cases where someone
would be in that situation, and "picking one" just leads to
hard-to-predict results.

(Given the audience I'm sure the above must be dismissive of
_someone_'s Important Workflow - I would love to discover whose it


On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Gregory Szorc <g...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> There are a number of people who can't use mach because of the way it does
> environment detection (e.g. how it resolves object directories and other
> paths).
> There are numerous bugs on the issue. We even have bug 912114 tracking
> everywhere that mach and the build system is doing something wrong or
> inefficient. There are many workflows and thus code paths that need
> considered. It's a complicated problem to solve.
> I've typed up a proposal at [1] that I believe will fulfill the requirements
> of most of the people who can't use mach today because it isn't compatible
> with their workflow. Please leave comments on that pad or reply here with
> suggestions for improvement.
> I hope to have a solution landed in the next few weeks.
> [1] https://etherpad.mozilla.org/o5igfRCiJv
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