Your proposal sounds somewhat similar to the way the webapprt is being 
delivered too. I think that's a good thing. 

----- Original Message -----

> I propose that we just stop pretending, and terminate xulrunner,
> considering the following:
> - Xulrunner is lagging behind Firefox: DLL block list, startup telemetry,
> etc.
> - Since bug 755724, running firefox -app application.ini is 99% the same
> as running xulrunner application.ini, except for a few details that
> should be considered bugs. Before that bug, it was quite different,
> as browser-specific files were available to the xul application.
> - There is no reason we can't generate the sdk from firefox instead of
> xulrunner. Moreover that would make firefox-specific interfaces
> available in the sdk that aren't currently (which may or may not be a
> good thing, arguably)
> - We could include the xulrunner and xulrunner-stub executables as part
> of firefox. xulrunner-stub is small and self-contained, and xulrunner
> could be replaced by something that calls firefox -app. Or we could
> make the firefox executable check under what name it's called and act
> accordingly.

> Thoughts?

> Mike
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