On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Brian Smith <br...@briansmith.org> wrote:

> AFAICT, there are not many rules that module owners are bound by.

There are lots of tree-wide or Gecko-wide rules that module owners are
bound by.

> The
> reason module owners can dictate style is because module owners can
> dictate everything in their module.

That's just not true, sorry. If some module owner decides to keep using
NULL or PRUnichar, or invent their own string class, they will be corrected.

I think we should wait until we've
> heard from module owners that strongly oppose the style changes and
> then decide how to deal with that.

We don't need to wait for them. When we discuss any broad issue that
affects their module, they are responsible for contributing to that
discussion in a timely manner if they want to have a say.

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