On 11/21/13 8:43 PM, Laura Thomson wrote:
I'll keep it short and to the point. Are there any objections to shutting down http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsqueryform.cgi ?

If you don't know what that is--and few people do, which is even more reason to shut it off--it's a search engine for some of our CVS repositories, of which I think none are in active development. 


Laura Thomson
Mozilla Web Engineering
I use http://bonsai-l10n.mozilla.org/cvsqueryform.cgi rarely, but I do, for l10n repositories.

The history of l10n is complex, as it basically moved twice, from

http://bonsai-l10n.mozilla.org/rview.cgi?dir=mozilla/browser/locales&cvsroot=/l10n&module=default to


and then to hg repos.

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