> I have (slightly optimistically) started writing a post-mortem of this
> closure, analyzing what went wrong and why, and how we might avoid it
> in the future:
>   https://etherpad.mozilla.org/mEB0H50ZjX

FWIW, I added the following TL;DR to the document, which reflects my
understanding of the situation.

> Win7 M2 and Mbc tests were OOMing frequently at shutdown because too many
> DOM windows were open.  This was due to a combination of: (a) multiple badly
> written tests, (b) multiple social API leaks, (c) multiple devtool leaks.  
> Bug 932898
> will improve our shutdown leak detection.  Bug 932900 will (if implemented) 
> prevent
> some of these leaks(?).

Is there anything else we can do to prevent this from happening again?

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